Step by Step instructions
What you DON’T say says a lot

With interviews or presentations, we often take the time to practice and prepare, yet we rarely spend time considering the effectiveness of our nonverbal communication.
How do others see you?

When you meet someone or talk with a coworker, what do they see? Do people see you as positive and supportive? Weak and helpless? Confident
Learn the Vocab

Across the globe, there is a universal vocabulary of body language. Different postures display: strength, supportiveness, openness, enthusiasm, or aggression, submission, and defensiveness. Find out:
Create Authentic Body Language

Ever watch politicians use gestures – where something just doesn’t seem right? Maybe, they learned gestures that work for some people but not for them.
What’s at Stake:

You already know that your body language impacts how others see you. But, academic researchers have also discovered that body language affects your brain chemistry,